Saturday, June 11, 2011

Reminders For Taking Care Of Pet In Summer

By Adriana Noton

The fun and excitement of summer has arrived and with it the need to taking care of pet in summer. Different weather conditions have different considerations for the best care of your furry companion. These are just a few quick reminders for hot weather care.

Year round, water and shelter are an important part of pet care. A bowl filled with fresh, clean water should always be available. A shelter where the animal can get out of bad weather or a well shaded area is also a requirement. During hot weather it is only natural your furry friend will drink more water, this makes it necessary to check the water bowl often.

Two large concerns for hot weather are heat stroke and dehydration. By learning the signs of these two serious conditions, you can avert the potential for heart ache. Listen to the weather forecasts, in the event of extreme heat, plan ahead.

Humans are not the only creatures that thrive in warmer weather. Be aware that during warmer months poisonous insects, snakes, scorpions, and other creatures are more active creating the potential for harm to your beloved friend. Take the necessary precautions to protect their health.

Pests such as fleas and ticks see your furry companion as a moving buffet. Repellents applied regularly to your pet will help decrease problems. During prime season, you need to groom your pet routinely to see if there are any parasitic issues. Be prepared to occasionally lose the battle and need to contact an exterminator.

Vaccines are an important step to the safety of your pet. A vaccine does not stop a disease but can help your friend if they come in contact with an infection by lessening the effects. If you enjoy traveling with your pet, you will need to get the advice of your veterinarian for the appropriate vaccines for the areas you will be going to.

Taking care of pet in summer means you need to be aware of your breed's disposition to climate. If you have a dog that was breed for colder weather, be aware they may not tolerate hot weather as well, such as a Siberian Husky or Malamute. Some owners have been known to shave their dog during the hotter months to aid in the comfort of the animal, or provide a wading pool.

Summer and water just go together. When you take your dog with you on these trips you need to be aware that they will need special attention. Much like having a child with you, you will need to keep a watchful eye for possible problems and be prepared for an injury or accident. As a precaution, owners will purchase a life jacket or reflective vest for their animal to wear while out. First Aid kits can also be obtained which have been made for the use on animals.

Summer is a great time to have fun for everyone. By thinking of your pets needs you can drastically reduce the possibility of a bad experience. By taking care of pet and taking a dog training Calgary class in summer you can keep a happy, healthy companion for a long time.

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