Sunday, August 7, 2016

What You Need To Know Before Visiting French Bulldog Breeders Missouri

By Margaret Harris

You may be reading this article right now because you are in search for a new pet. You may be a neophyte pet owner or an experienced one, but nonetheless you may also want to be a pet owner like your many friends who are. Some of your friends may have French bulldogs or bullies and are encouraging you to also get the same pets like theirs, and you are almost convinced. But before you go off to the a French Bulldog Breeders Missouri in the area, please read on in this article so that you will know what kind of breed this is and what you are in for.

The French bully hails from ancient bloodlines which can be traced all the way back to the era of the Greeks. It is a mastiff type breed that was bred for the sport of bull baiting, a blood sport and gladiatorial sport for animals. This breed was distributed widely throughout the continent of Europe when the sport had its heyday. Once the sport was outlawed, many of these mastiffs were later adopted as non sporting pets.

This bulldog breed is very much similar to its English cousin, the English bulldog. It is very much smaller and compact with a wider girth and short legs. Most of the time it sports more erect ears. It is also much more docile and has a gentler disposition and does not show much aggressive tendencies, making it safe to be around children and other animals.

A lot will attest to it being a lovable companion, and one that also craves and wants attention always. If not given its attention cravings it will make a yodeling sound, which others will term as the French death yodel. They are very protective, more particularly so for the females, when it comes to their young and those they love or care for.

Another similarity to its English cousin is that it does very well in staying and living in small areas and spaces. Thus this makes a great companion and pet who live in small apartments or even condos. They are quite comfortable being inactive a majority of the time. They still do need their dose of exercise, and it is recommended that a daily walk of around thirty minutes should suffice. This ability to stay indoors for a long time can make this as one of the ultimate indoor dogs.

The rather small size of the French bully lends to it having a more compact airway, and couple with its snub nose, leads to the condition of it having a hard time regulating body temperature in extreme temperature conditions. Most have died from cold due to its thin coat and others also from extreme heat. It is not a breed to live in extreme climates. It is preferable that it lives in temperate environments and zones.

The breed is not very long lived, averaging about eight to ten years in terms of life span. Thus care and maintenance is really needed to maximize its life span if you want one. Most conditions it will develop are related to the eyes when it gets on in years.

Thus this article has outlined a bit of basic information about what you need to know about this type of dog. Prior to your final decision, do make additional research to galvanize your choice for a new pet and companion.

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