Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Before You Respond To That Egyptian Maus Kittens For Sale Sign

By Stephanie Murphy

At this very moment you are probably looking for a brand new pet, or a replacement for that one that you have lost. You may have decided on a cat this time and are looking for some unique breeds to take care of. Just recently you could have possible come across an advert saying that there are Egyptian Maus kittens for sale right around your area. Seeing some pictures of it also, you might be intrigued into buying one right away. Before you do so, please finish off this article so that you will know what you will be getting in to.

This breed is quite unique according to many cat lovers and aficionados. It can be easily mistaken for a small dark leopard, or even a small lynx, due to the naturally occurring wild patterns on its coat. It is also very fast for its size, and possibly it may be the fastest small cat, as it can run up to thirty miles per hour.

Springs for legs will be what most owners of this cat will tell you about their experience. Known for its jumping ability, this breed from resting position can jump vertically of upwards and above of around three feet or more. It needs plenty of space to play around in, so make sure it has this. And also make sure that your house is devoid of too many breakable items. In any case, you have been warned.

The cat, though described as many as being reserved and very gentle, is somewhat of an attention addict. It will let you know that it requires attention. Due to this, it is highly recommended that it should be socialized at a very young age with a lot of other people on a continuous basis. This is very much helpful if you plan to travel around a lot or make your cat join shows and competition. The earlier it learns to socialize, the less jittery it will become around other people.

This is also a breed that kind of likes to eat a lot, so there will be a problem if you overfeed it. When it is overfed, it will get used to the larger amounts, and it will refuse to eat anything smaller than the largest portion it has gotten used to. You should avoid overfeeding it by reading its signals for affection correctly rather than thinking it is sending out a signal that it is hungry.

A quite surprising thing about this breed of cat is that it has the ability to sing. It will sing like a small bird when it is pleased, rather than purr, as it will chortle and chirp. This chortling and chirping sound is also exhibited when it is excited or curious about something, like when it sees a new plaything or something to chase like an insect for example.

In terms of reproduction, this breed has a fairly long gestation period, ranging from 63 days to 70 days. If it does go over 70 days sometimes, it should be no cause for alarm. This is because they give birth pretty easily.

Covered in this article are some important baseline information regarding this breed that you should consider. Remember to always leave no stone unturned in your search for information that will assist you in becoming a better cat owner.

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