Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How To Become a Dog Trainer

There are people, many of them, who make a living from training dogs They will take your dog for a period of time each week and they will teach it commands, behaviors and tricks that will make you clasp your hands in joy, and yet the thing about this is that most people don't want to do things that way. As much fun as it may be to inherit a dog who will behave like you’d always dreamed a dog could behave, it takes away something that should be there between humans and dogs – the connection that makes humans and dogs such great partners in crime (metaphorically).

If you have no experience, it's going to take a long time to train your dog, and this is why many people are prepared to part with hard-earned cash to allow a professional to train their pet. Many people (like me ) just can't afford this expense and for others it may be more than affordable but a needless waste. We want to train our dogs, ourselves, because they are ours. Where is the fun in leaving it to someone else?

Another point to consider in training your dog, you build a bond with it. Many dogs will react strongly to their masters’ voice, while not paying heed to the same commands from others. Although a professional dog trainer will take every care to ensure that your dog learns the command and not the voice, there is undeniably something important about being the one from whom your dog learns to sit, stay and roll over. It is the all-important connection.

I have discovered from my own experiences, that there is absolutely nothing you can't learn from a book. That goes for training your dog, have a quick look at my "Love My Dog" training book, it comes with Master Resale Rights and a Big Book of Dog Names.

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