Saturday, October 15, 2011

What To know About Dog Care

By Douglass Smith

Health problems that humans encounter can also be encountered by canines. Well, most of it. Usually, dogs also have to put up with arthritis. Arthritis and many of its indications are also experienced by one fifth of the dog population. Joint pains in humans, dogs also have it.

Dogs with arthritic joints usually move slowly because of the pain, when they sit or stand. They love to sleep a lot, more than the usual hours and will have rapid changes in their weight. If they do play around, you might find them limping on one leg. Visit your family veterinarian to properly check on your dog's health condition and the appropriate treatment. Getting treatment in its early stages can make all the difference in the world. Fortunately, alternative medicine is acceptable by our family veterinarian. For arthritis, he recommends a supplement with glucosomine, chrondroitin sulfate, and vitamin C that aides in the formation of collagen for bone support. He also recommended Omega 3 and Omega 6. It aids in the reduction of the joint being inflamed and the corresponding pain that goes with it. Taken from experience, I also take them for my own joint pains and it works great. These are all OTC supplements, so no need to get the doctor's prescription.

Humans and canines with arthritis have similar cures. Just follow the manufacturer's recommended dosage suggested on the bottle for your dog's weight.

Glucosomine and chrondroitin are molecules that make up a type of cartilage found in the joints. The idea behind oral consumption of these two supplements is that they may increase the rate of formation of new cartilage by supplying more of the necessary building blocks.

Belonging to the carbohydrates category, glucosomine is an amino acid that is integrated in the creation of body tissues rather than utilized as a source of energy. Skin, nails, tendons, eyes, bones, ligaments and heart valves - these are among the tissues glucosomine is concerned. It is reported to be successful in the formation and repair of cartilage.

Cartilages maintain their flexibility and strength and lessens friction on joints through the help of chondroitin.

Vitamin C is very important to humans as well as to animals. They are responsible in the formation of collagen. Connective tissues have copious of these fibers that are found in the tendons, ligaments and fascia.

Joints maintain their flexibility as well as the body is kept in shape when dogs are in their good health condition and proper weight. Do not make the dog do one week of exercises in just two days. Instead of benefiting from it, it may even be detrimental to them. It's not good to rush everything. To inhibit putting more burden on your bones and joints, it is necessary that your dog is on top form. Provide your dog a good, healthy diet rich in vitamins, proteins and fibers, and add a supplement specifically for arthritis if your dog is already showing symptoms.

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