Thursday, April 19, 2012

Missing Cat?

By Robert Baker

You have decided to adopt your first cat from a no-kill animal shelter/rescue. Congratulations! Among other things you will quickly learn one thing; cats love to be perched high. There will be a day when you arrive home and will not be able to find your cat. Even after calling their name they still have not come to greet you. After spending tens of minutes searching you find them perched on top the tallest kitchen cabinet or refrigerator! Perfectly silent and watching you're every move.

Why do cats, even those that are considered "lap cats" love to be perched high? This allows them to avoid predators and a surprise attack on their next meal. So, how can you accommodate this natural instinct in your home?

First consider an appropriate location for a tall cat condo, preferably in front of a window. Cats love watching all of the outdoor activity. If floor space is limited, a window perch may be a perfect solution. There are many different types and the mounting systems vary. Search the internet for the various types and price ranges.

You have now purchased a cat perch, selected the location, but "how high should it be mounted?" Young kittens are still developing their jumping and coordination skills so; consider mounting it lower than for an adult cat. If you are a great pet parent and have both adult and kitten you will definitely want more than one. Locate the perch for your adult about two feet higher than the one for your kitten.

You have done all of this, but your fur companions seem to have no interest. Fear not, there are a couple of things you can do to encourage their interest. There are catnip sprays that you can mist each perch. They will instantly find the perch and watch them rub all over the perch. Once they start visiting their new elevated perch, leave a couple of treats or give those soothing strokes and calm praise. You will soon find you need several cat perches in every room!

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