Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why do dogs eat leaves

By Jerry Welsh

Mealtimes can be the most important part in a dog's existence as these food motivated animals are voracious eaters. Dogs that are left alone all day would be ecstatic to see the master at the end of the day because it would mean that mealtime is near. The daily activities of dogs in the wild are devoted to finding a meal. As food is scarce, these dogs would have to consume every bit of the prey as it is not known when the next meal would be. Although dogs would mainly eat meat, when no prey is hunted the dogs would fill their stomach with anything. Dogs in the wild can turn vegetarian and survive on fruits, berries, grass and leaves.

The activity of hunting for food is no longer needed by modern day dogs. Dogs never go hungry as they are regularly provided with nutritious food by their owners. The habit of dogs to eat non-food items has continuously puzzled owners. Dogs have the inclination to gnaw and eat wood, stones and to eat poop. You are lucky if your pet has the habit of eating leaves as some dog owners are concerned by the pet's inclination to eat poop.

The need to correct a dietary imbalance was considered as one of the reasons why dogs eat leaves. Apparently, dogs can perceive if their system is not normal. Dogs that are provided by owners with cheaper low quality dog food that mainly contain cereal fillers would munch on the leaves of momma's plants to fill up a nutrient deficiency.

We are aware of the dog's big appetite. Dogs are noted to have a curious personality. Dogs would investigate things with their mouth thus they get to swallow foreign and non-food items. Voracious eaters that they are dogs would not pass up the chance to eat spoiled food. Would it be surprising if the dog would have an upset stomach? Nature is truly amazing as it has given these animals the capability to deal with a recurring health concern. Dogs simply need to eat leaves and presto! the foreign matters as well as the toxic substances in the stomach that ails the pet will be vomited. Dogs wanting to attract attention would eat leaves. Dogs that eat leaves of prized plants will surely be reprimanded by the owners. For a dog, reprimands would be better than no attention at all.

The habit to eat leaves is not really dangerous as long as what was eaten are not poisonous. For the well being of the pet, the leaves eating habit must be stopped.

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