Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Learn How to Make Homemade Dog Treats

By Geraldine Dimarco

Even though commercial pet feed is more convenient nowadays, more and more people still find time to prepare natural dog treats for their pets. Why is that? It is because it will be better for the health of the canines (even humans for that matter) if there are less chemicals and preservatives in the food we take in.

The great thing about this is that homemade dog treats are really not as difficult as it would initially seem to be. If you have a picture in your mind of a dirty kitchen strewn with pots and pans of messy, canine food-that's not an accurate idea. Actually, if you prepare and plan it well, making these delicious treats should be pretty simple and fuss-free.

Alright, so what do we need to know about these natural dog treats? Well, first things first-by natural we do not mean that we can just pick up any produce from nature and feed it to our dog. That's not how it works. While raw and organic are generally good for us, some things will not be good for the dog's system.

For example-the tomato plant. Did you know that this healthy vegetable contains atropine which causes irregular heartbeat, tremors and dilated pupils? Atropine is highest in the tomato's stems and leaves; which is followed by the tomato itself. Do not give your pet food that will require tomatoes in its recipe.

Some of the fruit you have in your kitchen may also be harmful for him. Cherries, apples and apricots have seeds which contain cyanogenic glycosides. This can bring about cyanide poisoning which needless to say, is dangerous for the animal. Grapes and avocados will induce vomiting and diarrhea because they also contain risky substances that can severely damage tissues and critical organs in the canine's body.

When you look for things to feed your pet-- look up the ingredients to verify if they may cause harm to them first. While there are several food substances that will be bad for them, there are a lot more things you can give them. Do not let the limitations hinder you from creating really good treats for Fido. Homemade snacks and meals are definitely an excellent way to reward him for being the good boy that he is.

Now, what can we serve him? Most meats are acceptable for canines to ingest. Choose from chicken, turkey, beef, pork and fish (except salmon). You can give organ meat but not too much. Overuse of liver meat has been known to result in damage to the canine's bones. Also make use of vegetables like carrots, green beans and corn.

Remember, homemade dog treats are not supposed to be boring. Make it interesting by infusing it with spices and yummy flavors that you know your pet will love. Take care in monitoring their calorie intake-obese dogs are more susceptible to certain diseases. Go ahead and plan fantastic treats for your furry friend-a happy and healthy dog is waiting for you.

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