Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tips On Canary Breeding For Beginners

By Liliana Mills

Canary breeding is a wonderful pastime and can be a great hobby for those interested in birds. Breeding can provide an additional income too. If you are interested in breeding it is important that you provide a good living environment for the birds and take careful steps to ensure successful breeding.

You will need to have a lot of room if you are interested in breeding. Canaries do not like to socialize outside of the breeding season. You will need to give them all their own cages, whether in the same room or not. If they are kept together they may kill each other therefore you will have to have enough space to house lots of cages.

Males and females are difficult to sex. The male will sing and the female will nest so in breeding seasons you will be able to work out which is which. If you are buying a bird make sure the breeder is able to sex the bird for you, not everyone can do this.

Controlling the daylight in the breeding season helps you to monitor the birds. The female will give clear signs when she is ready and feeling broody. She will nest and shred the paper or any materials that are found in her cage. To help her you should provide a plastic or a wire cage. It is also possible to find nest liners which are very useful if the female is unable to make a decent nest by herself. Never use a wicker nest even if you find them attractive as they are not easy to clean and are impossible to sterilize.

Using a breeding cage is the easiest way to breed the birds. The cage is designed to help you with the entire process as it is split into two. The two cages are separated by solid partitions and a wire partition. When the female has made her nest you can remove the sold partition. When the male and the female interact and kiss between the wire partitions you can remove that too. Once they are in the same space watch out for any signs of fighting as the male could kill the female. If you notice any fighting split the birds up immediately.

When the birds have bred the female will lay eggs. The eggs are usually in batches of up to eight so be prepared to house all of the youngsters once they have hatched. Leave the eggs alone for a few days after the female begins to sit on them.

Put the eggs back and look at them in front of the light in another five days time. If you cannot see the embryo, remove the eggs and let the birds try again. Remember that when the birds are old enough they will each need their own cage so prepare these to be ready in time.

In fourteen days starting from when the female sat on her eggs the chicks will hatch which is what canary breeding is all about. From there on the parents instinctively do everything they need to when it comes to raising and caring for the chicks so you can simply watch and enjoy.

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