Friday, March 11, 2016

First Year Developmental Changes That Most Newfoundland Puppies Show

By Christopher Sanders

Most people are eager to have a young puppy at home because they are easy to train and manage. However, most people do not know the right age of any puppy on sale. The bigger challenge that a big number of buyers have is understanding the changes they should expect from the Newfoundland puppies they have bought within the first year. This is what you may expect.

When dogs are three to five weeks old, they are able to smell, see and hear. At this stage, their sensory systems effectively develop and the pets are now aware of the surroundings. This awareness enables the puppy to interact very well with their mother and litter-mates. In fact, the dogs will also start to play, chase and growl, bare their teeth, wag their tails, bite their litter-mates, bark and walk. Their teeth also begin to erupt setting them ready for soft solid foods.

Puppies start experiencing a sense of freedom at the age of five to seven weeks. At this stage, they are ready to be weaned and in fact, their habits are not understood by many since their wanton curiosity is growing at a higher degree. At this stage your puppy may exhibit some fears. However, it is the most appropriate stage to introduce an environment that is filled with stimulation and diversity. It is also the right stage where they develop some sort of intimacy with the humans around them.

Normally, dogs will start getting curious and investigating any strange thing when they are about 7 to 9 weeks. This is a stage where their sensory organs are fully developed. They start developing sociable traits such as making friendship with anyone they come across. Most of them at this stage start to convey the characters they should show while in the company of people.

During this age, the dogs also begin to treat the world around them with caution and become fearful to both sounds and movements. In fact, they begin fearing activities they once easily handled such as playing with certain toys and entering or sitting in crates. If you notice the puppy has developed this new attitude, avoid painful, frightening and traumatic situations at this age to avoid weakening their self-confidence.

Puppies develop their mortal skills at week nine to twelve of their development. Here, you can easily realize that the dogs are very sensitive to the environment. Although the dogs are not able to remain attentive for a long time, you can notice that they are keen on the way they behave during certain times. They also demand more attention from the people they love. They treat people they know, with love and friendliness.

Teeth development or teething is evident when the dogs are thirteen to sixteen weeks old. Many puppy owners detect teething when they find the dogs with incessant desire to chew any object they come across. Those training their dogs can attest that dogs begin to defy certain training rules and commands at this age. This occurs because they are still eager to explore the environment further without you.

Chewing phase may continue even after the puppy is sixteen weeks and over. They will not chew because they are teething but because of unstoppable curiosity and exploration. Puppies past sixteen weeks should be trained to walk on the grass, tile, blacktop, carpet, cement, gravel and linoleum among others. You should also introduce them to people of different handicaps, races, genders and ages.

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