Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Searching For An Australian Labradoodle Breeder

By Deborah Thompson

There are many breeders offering Labradoodle puppies as they have become extremely popular and sought after. However, finding an Australian Labradoodle breeder may not be as simple as a quick look on your favorite search engine. This true breed is not just Labrador cross poodle, but in fact a complex mix of breeds which is very different from a straight two breed cross.

When Beverly Manners and Angela, her daughter, first started the breed back in the 1980's, they were looking for a particular set of traits. To this end they bred Cocker and American Spaniels with their first crosses to enhance their coat and size. The Wheaton terrier was also added for temperament. Once they had added a dash of Portuguese Water Dog they finally had a dog they thought perfect. They have sine renamed it the Cobberdog so as distinguish it from other lines.

There are some unsavory breeders who might sell you a regular dog with a fake pedigree. This is because whenever something has value, it is likely to be copied and sold as the real thing to make a huge profit. However, there are extremely reputable breeders who can trace their bloodlines all the way back to a true Cobberdog. The Australian Labradoodle Association of America (ALAA) is the place to find those breeding true ALs.

The people that breed pedigree dogs should be able to furnish you with the relevant information about the lines of the puppy. Breeding is particularly complex when you start with what is already a mixed dog so you are quite likely to discover that one parent is pure poodle or labrador. This is to help prevent genetic defects which can occur from breeding like to like.

Once you have sought out a reliable and reputable breeder then you can select your pup. Given the true mix within the breed there are a wealth of color, coat length and sizes available. If you a particular about having a dog which does not shed too much then look for one with more poodle in its lines. Using other breeds to strengthen the line can dilute some of the original traits.

While cross breeds tend to suffer less from inherited diseases, it is still worth checking that the parents have been checked as free from certain conditions. Hip dysplasia and PRA (Progressive retinal atrophy) are both common defects as well as the bleeding disorder Von Willebrand's. A puppy with these conditions will spend a lot of time at the vet and have a lowered quality of life.

Do not forget that your puppy will be intelligent and will want to work and please you. These dogs need to be trained and given stimulus. A bored puppy will soon become a naughty puppy finding its own entertainment by chewing or perhaps becoming an escape artist. Training classes are widely available from basic obedience to retrieving and agility.

With a little research you should be able to find a reputable breeder who has healthy puppies. Use the information that can be found on the ALAA website and check the dam and sire are problem free. Your AL will then be a loving friend for life.

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