Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Find A New Friend In An Egyptian Mau Nebraska

By Robert Foster

It is difficult to find a breed of cat that is rarer than this one. For that reason, you should be fully prepared to pay top dollar for the animal when you are family able to track down someone who will sell to you. Because of the coveted nature of the Egyptian Mau Nebraska, people don't mind the cost and difficulty finding one.

You'll be able to spot this breed quite easily since they have very striking and distinct features. The first thing that many people notice are the spots, which usually covert them pretty much from head, to toe, to tail, but all cats' patterns will be slightly different, and the majority of the speckles and spots will be concentrated along the back. Other defining features of the Egyptian Mau include eyes that are quite large and a distinct shade of green in color, and fur colors that range from silvery, pale silver, bronze, or smoke.

Many families just love the fact that their cat is always willing to play and cuddle with them. This is not always the case with all feline creatures, so it is definitely something to consider when you are picking out a pet. People who love to hug and pet their cats a lot will love this breed, and it is certainly something to consider for people who have busy schedules and might not always be there to spend time with the cat.

The fact that this cat doesn't meow all the time is something pet owners should always keep in mind. If they don't have open access to a litter box or a way of getting outside, he or she might need to potty and the owner might not know. With that in mind, pet owners must be very conscious of their pet's behavior.

People who have allergies or sensitivities to pet fur should keep in mind that this animal sheds a lot. As long as he or she is brushed regularly, this should not be a problem. This is definitely a discussion that should be had before the animal is brought home.

It is quite common with cats to be suspicious of strangers. This is more of a survival instinct than anything else, so it is nothing to be worried about. All you have to do is wait for the cat to feel comfortable, and he or she will more than likely come out eventually to meet the new guest.

Everyone who has a cat like this finds the animal to be great for providing companionship. This is definitely a mutual thing, since it's very obvious that cats like it to. No matter who you are, this is something to consider as a way of enriching your life.

People who already have pets, no matter whether they are dogs or cats, should really think about how to assimilate this new friend into your life. Luckily, this breed is fairly friendly with other animals. It may take some time, but you will all soon be one happy inter-species family.

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