Wednesday, March 4, 2015

What To Look For When Choosing Dog Chew Toys For Heavy Chewers

By Leslie Ball

One of the most enjoyable parts of dog ownership is playing with your pooch. It can be a lot of fun to interact with your canine companion. Dogs can also benefit from other types of activities as well. One rewarding activity is, unfortunately, chewing objects. If your canine has powerful teeth and jaws and enjoys using them, finding dog chew toys for heavy chewers will go a long way to reducing your frustration and the amount of damage your items will sustain. Here are hints that you can use to find the right items for your pup.

One thing you have to realize is that you may need to try several different types of toys until you find the kind that will last the longest and which your dog prefers. Don't be surprised if your dog seems to love a toy for a little while and then become bored with it. If you have a few to switch out you may find that you can keep their interest without spending a fortune.

One good starting point is how old and how large your canine is. A young pooch that is still growing may need to go through multiple sizes of toy. You may also find that an item that is labeled as being durable may not be able to stand up to your pup's teeth and jaws.

Rubber is a great choice for dog toy material. You can find options that the pup can chew on as well as tug on. Balls can be thrown and retrieved as well as chewed. Some dense rubber options can even hold treats as a way to keep your dog's mind busy and stimulated. Make sure though that you are purchasing high quality items that do not have pieces that can be easily chewed off.

There are also many rope options available as well. If you are thinking about one made of rope, make sure the strands are soft and will not damage your pup's mouth. They can occasionally wear down teeth and sometimes strands can come loose and accidentally be ingested. You may find that if your dog prefers this type of toy that you will need to replace it frequently.

Soft, stuffed items are not likely the best options for canines with strong jaws. They will often be able to chew holes in the outer fabric and pull out stuffing. Some are designed to be more durable but they usually have little in the way of stuffing.

Looking online can be a great first step when shopping. Make sure you look at sites that list a wide variety of items and which have user reviews. Remember that not every dog will like every toy. Look at reviews which talk about how durable or sturdy a toy is, not whether a pet is interested in it or not. You want to make sure you have as much information as you can when it is time to make your purchase.

Once you have purchased items for your pup, make sure you inspect them regularly. You want to make sure that they are not biting off pieces of their toys. Be prepared to swap items out on a regular basis if your pup damages them or if they become bored. Then you can help your pooch work out its need to chew in a safe and productive manner.

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