Friday, July 3, 2015

Find The Very Best TICA Ragdoll Breeders

By Ruthie Calderon

Cats are animals unto themselves and will only come to his owner when they are feeling affectionate. There are however some breeds that seem to thrive on affection and will even get along very well with children and other household pets. These cats are breed by TICA ragdoll breeders and have very striking blue eyes and are one of the larger breeds available.

When adopting a kitten they suggest that one should always handle them to ensure that they have good muscle tone as well as a clean coat and bright clear eyes. They should not sniff or sneeze and there should also be no discharge coming from its ears and eyes. There should be no dry flaky skin or bald patches and always check behind its ears and on its lower back for flea dirt. This will be recognised by what looks like black sand.

Their name seems to have come from their disposition as they will become very limp when in someone's arms and will just flop around when getting a cuddle. They are very affectionate and many have been known to having been dressed up in dolls clothes and carried around without even a slight protest. Some of this breed has even been taught the game fetch and many say that cats keep unto themselves which in this case is not true.

Their fur is considered to be medium in length and is very silky and soft. They will shed during the spring and fall but the fur is easy enough to pick up with a damp cloth or even a hand. They all have very bright and pretty eyes and their pallets can be red, cream, blue, chocolate and even lilac and seal.

The International Cat Association currently recognises fifty five different breeds that are considered champions when it comes to feline competition. Among them are the Ragdoll, Norwegian Forest, Russian Blue, Siamese and Sphinx to name a very few. The non championship breeds are the normal household pets and household kittens.

Another way that affection is showered upon someone is when they bump their heads into ones legs or any other part of the body. This term is called bunting and a way for him to leave his scent behind. They have scent glands on their foreheads, cheeks, in-between their toes, tail as well as their lips. When they rub themselves on one it means that they are identifying one as a part of their family.

As with all cats keeping them healthy will result in them remaining happy and full of fun. In some cases they will eat plants that can poison them and will need to be taken to a vet as soon as possible. There are a few plants that owners tend to have in their gardens and do not realise that it can possibly be harmful and should be cornered off from wondering felines.

There is no time limit and can take as long as one likes. One is also able to take the tests at different times, one at a time or more depending on the time that is available to them. Four exams will be written and the passing grade is over eighty five percent. If one is interested in becoming a Certifier for the PCGAA a passing grade of ninety seven percent is required.

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