Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Information On A Crazy Cat Lady

By Olive Pate

Many pet owners have cats. Next to dogs, these are one of the most common animals that are taken in as household pets. People love these animals for many different reasons and may have more than one. Crazy cat lady is used to refer to a woman who dotes on cats. These may be cats that she keeps as pets or other cats that she comes across. This is usually used as a pejorative term, although some people do not consider it a bad thing.

In some places, women who live with cats only are considered spinsters. This is especially true when they are not married or in relationships, do not have kids and have more than one cat. These spinsters or cat ladies are believed to have trouble when it comes to finding partners or being in relationships, which is how their situation may come to be.

Cat lady is a term used to describe some animal hoarders. This refers to people who have an unreasonable amount of animals as pets, which may include cats. Usually they have too many that they can provide proper care for. Animal hoarders are known for having a mental illness, which is often the cause for their behaviors. They might be oblivious to their actions and the harm they are putting themselves and the animals in. Usually they are ignorant to the severity of their situation. This is why many people can only be helped through intervention from outsiders.

In pop culture, there have been famous cat ladies and films based around women who love their cats. However, most people do not consider this a positive label. Cat lady syndrome is a term that is being used more commonly today and is backed by some research.

Studies have found a parasite that is present in some cats. It is known as Toxoplasma gondii and it is associated with mental and behavioral disorders in people. Some suggest that this can have a big affect on the health of cat owners, especially of those who have multiple felines living in their home.

The risk of dealing with this parasite is higher for those who have multiple cats and animals that are ill. Still, it is a commonly held belief that hoarding cats or other animals can be detrimental to the mental wellness and physical well-being of a person. It can also negatively impact the animals and their overall health and happiness. Some of these cats will die in the home and others will suffer tremendously from various illnesses. Usually these homes are unsanitary and the owners are unable to properly care for the animals.

People who know someone who is in this situation should consider getting them help. In many cases, these people do not see a need for change. They have a false belief that they are in control of their situation and require intervention from loved ones.

It is expected that these women have a mental illness. They will require help and support from medical professionals, as well as family and friends. Intervention is a must in most cases, especially for the defenseless animals. While the cat ladies do not intentionally invoke harm upon the animals, their behaviors are detrimental to the cats. Owning too many animals, including cats, is unsanitary and a problem. It does not matter how much attention the cats are believed to be receiving, there is a limit and owning too many often means that the owners become irresponsible. Reporting these people is a must to get them help.

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