Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Groom Your Incredible Horse Regularly To Prevent Horse Problems

By Felix Mcdonald

When you have owned a horse or a few will know that keeping a horse clean can be tiring and it is a full time job. Horses are known to roll around in soil or sand to ease themselves off from itch or to stretch and realign their bones and muscles. If you are looking to buy a horse for yourself or your kids, you should know a little about horse grooming to avoid any horse problems.

Some horse keepers would inform you to avoid buying white horses as washing them up could be a headache. However, if you look at a horse and you feel a bond, it's impossible to tell you what color of horse you should purchase. If you do have a white horse, there are safe whiteners that may help you to get rid of the marks from the grass or dust the horse has rolled in.

Just be sure to avoid using household bleachers or laundry washing detergents because these liquids can be dangerous to your horse. One helpful tip to keep your horse clean at all times is to clean their coat with a stiff brush. This helps ease the dirt and when that is done, groom the horse with a soft bristled brush. By practicing this, you'll avoid any grooming horse problems.

Sometimes you will come across horse problems including shedding of coat. If your horse is shedding and its coat is full of dirt at the same time, it is advisable to use the kind of shedding blade that comes with a saw tooth edge and softly run this shedding blade over your horse's coat to eliminate the dead hair out. Next, use your stiff brush to get rid of the remainder of the dirt off.

The grooming of your horse with a stiff brush. This should be done before you saddle on your horse. You do not want any shavings in your horse's coat before you place your saddle on. As soon as your riding session is completed, you will observe a lot of sweat where the saddle used to be and where the girth was, after the sweat dries off, it can be very itchy for the horse and will also lead to fungal skin conditions. To avoid that, fill a bucket with warm water and along with a cloth or sponge, wash your horse's back and girth area just after you finished riding. This will certainly help make your horse very happy and your horse will not be annoyed with any kind of itch.

Once you are done grooming your horse, use a lightweight piece of sheet that suits your horse to be able to cover your horse with it when he is put into the stall. The linen can keep him warm after the bath and fresh if he decides to roll around in the stall. Grooming is one of those incredible things you do to your horse to bond with him. It's also a great way to spot any sore or sensitive areas on your horse's back to enable you to see if he has any horse problems.

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