Sunday, April 10, 2011

Precisely How To Eradicate Allergic Symptoms

By Caitlin A. Xavier

One thing that seems to affect more and more people every year is allergies. You can get allergies from spring pollen, or you can get allergies from pets. Either way is usually a losing proposition. Sniffing, coughing, itching eyes and throat. Sometimes it feels as if there is no escape, and all you can do is suffer. The truth is that there are plenty of cures available, cures that you'll learn about in this very article.

First of all, there are many sources of allergies. Pollen is the most common type, with many people responding to high levels of pollen in the air during spring time. Another big source of allergies is from pets, such as dogs and cats.

When you react to an allergy, it's your body doing it's best to protect you. The small particles, either pollen or dry skin from pets gets into your sinus. Then your body produces histamine, a chemical that fights off the invaders. It's actually the production of histamine that creates all the problems.

When you buy a popular over the counter medication for allergy relief, you are likely buying an anti-histamine. This is a drug that inhibits your body's natural production of histamine. This works great in reducing your allergy symptoms, but does come with some potential side effects, such as increased blood pressure, nervousness, and perhaps sleeplessness.

People who have less of a reaction to these particles are generally more healthy, and have stronger immune systems. When the same particles enter their bodies, they don't need to produce nearly as much histamine. To stay healthy, make sure you sleep enough, and drink enough water. This can really help.

There are some studies that suggest certain foods can make you more susceptible to allergy symptoms. These are foods that contain gluten, many dairy products, and most processed carbohydrates. If you avoid this foods, you may see a decrease in your allergy symptoms.

Of course, the best way to cure your allergies for good is to try a combination of over the counter medication, some healthy living, and healthy eating. That way you can enjoy life as much as possible.

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