Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Best Dog Training Starts With The Owner

By Roger Gray

Dogs have walked faithfully beside man throughout recorded history. In the modern era, when the Internet brings vast swathes of information within everyone's reach, dog owners have more resources than ever on training their pets to behave according to their wishes. Here are just a few handy ideas for getting the most out of the dog-training process.

The type of leash, collar, and harness are very important to take into consideration when training a dog. The bigger the dog the more secure these items will need to be. Also if one has a dog that pulls on the leash a harness should be used to control the animal opposed to a choke chain or collar. The right equipment is essential to dog training.

Only ask your dog to do something if you know you can follow through with the command. If you tell your dog to sit and he does not do it, you must impose a consequence. If you don't, your pet will begin to view your instructions as something they can choose to do.

If your dog isn't keen on car rides, there is still hope. You can get your dog used to going for rides in small steps. Start by sitting with your dog in the car. Bring along a few treats and his favorite blanket or toy. After you have done this enough times for him to feel comfortable, take a short drive, maybe just down to the end of the street. Make each trip longer and in no time at all your dog will be used taking rides in the car.

Most puppies have a very short attention span. Don't exhaust your puppy with too much training at one time. Have short sessions that focus on one thing you'd like them to learn. Keep things simple so that nobody gets confused or frustrated, and try to end on a high note.

You should call your pet by name at least 10 times a day. You can practice using their name when you give them treats and food. This will help them to get used to their name. Don't punish your pet at anytime for coming to you when you call their name.

Now that you have successfully graduated from training, you and your dog will be much happier. As you probably have discovered, there are a multitude of ways and means of training. Whichever you choose, either singularly or multiple accesses, you can now hold your head high knowing that your dog is well-behaved.

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