Friday, January 6, 2012

Dog Diet

By Kirsten Arnoldi

Many people believe that commercial dog food is the healthiest food for their dog simply because the packaging says so. However, when looking for the healthiest dog diet, you can't just pick a bag at random and assume that it contains all the nutrients your dog needs.

Studies show that the best ratio for a healthy diet for dogs is about 50% meat, and 50% vegetables. A dog does not require grain or wheat or any other type of cheap filler. Producers of retail dog food add grains so that they don't have to add as much meat, and to make your dog feel full faster.

When buying food for your pet, you need to take a closer look at the list of ingredients and keep the facts listed below in this article in mind.

1. Foods that use natural preservatives such as vitamin E and C are a far better choice in comparison to foods that use chemical preservatives. Although preservatives are necessary in order for the food to remain edible, chemical preservatives such as BHA, BHT and Ethixyquin can be harmful for your dogs. It is thus best that the food contain no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives.

2. Animal by-products are the various parts of the animal which has been labelled as unfit for human consumption such as the heads, bones and intestines of the various animals, pig hooves and chicken beaks and feet. These are often a major part of the ingredients which make up commercial dog foods.

3. It is important to give dogs food which has meat as a primary ingredient as they are naturally carnivorous animals and get the majority of the proteins that they need from meat sources. Look for food that has meat as at least three of the first five ingredients. While dogs can survive on a purely vegetarian diet, they will not thrive on it.

4. Don't make the mistake of thinking that all foods enjoyed by humans are safe for canine consumption. "If you wouldn't eat it, your pet probably shouldn't either" works as a general rule, but there are certain everyday treats that we enjoy that are not good for dogs and can be toxic. These foods include chocolate, grapes, raisins, white flour and onions.

One of the best ways to ensure that your pet has the healthiest raw diet for dogs is to consider making the food yourself. You can easily learn how to make nasty nutritious food for your pet using the many recipes available online or in books. These recipes have been formulated with canine nutritional needs in mind, so if you choose to go this route, it is important to follow the steps and ingredients set out in the recipe and not try to be creative and add your own ingredients. Adding your own ingredients may disrupt the nutritional balance.

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