Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Are You Prepared For A Pet?

By Plank Reedonm

Will you be taking in a puppy from the pet shelter? Having a puppy is good since you will have something to take care and play with. There can be lots of bonding moments with your puppy and you will see that they derive pleasure in your caring. Giving your child a puppy is a good way of showing him how to be responsible.

Kids only learn how to be responsible if they are entrusted with the caring of another life so they would see consequences of laziness or inaction and the fruitfulness of love and caring for that life. But, before you give your child a puppy or a cat, for that matter, make sure that he is of right age to care for the pet. You have to remember that pets have a life too and should not be given to a child who is still not old enough to even eat by himself.

A puppy likes to chew and chew, and most of the time, they would chew and destroy whatever it is that they lay their eyes on. They would also pee just about anywhere, anytime they feel like letting loose. They also eat things which are not supposed to be eaten, thus you have to watch over them if you do not want them to ingest something harmful.

Keep them someplace safe where they could play without hurting themselves or breaking anything. Consider getting your pup a larger kennel so he would have room for plays and you would not have to buy a bigger one when your puppy reaches adulthood. Just make sure that the kennel should be cleaned regularly since most puppies would just pee even on the place where they eat and sleep.

Cats, on the other hand, like to be caressed. If your cat is picky, be sure to get him the worlds best cat litter. At times, cats do not poop on the cat litter because they can be a bit picky, however, the worlds best cat litter, you will have no difficulty having him poop and cleaning up after your cat's stool.

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