Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Guide To Giving Out Made In USA Dog Treats

By Claudette Lambert

For American dog owners, giving their pets dog treats more than expresses how much they love them. It is a way of rewarding desirable behavior together with it being a vital training technique. One thing that enables made in USA dog treats to work so efficiently in training is due to the amazing smell sense of the animals. In addition to smell a treat from about twenty yard out, a dog can also get a very good idea of what it is made of. Here is look at the best ways of feeding dog treats.

A Treat should be used to reinforce a submissive and calm state. They should never be used to reward an over-stimulated and excited state of mind. The canine should always be allowed to smell the treat first, but holding it away from them to wait. Bearing in mind that they are capable of smelling from a long distance, the treat does not have to be put under the nose.

As soon as the dog has gotten the scent, he may at first jump around, probably jumping on the feeder. If so, the owner should indicate disapproval with their body language and attitude by slowly moving to one side or back and then waiting. It is worth remembering that this moment of patience will be rewarded by having a well-behaved canine for a lifetime.

After sometime, the animal will probably start trying to figure out what he has to do to get a treat. He will lower his butt to the floor and wait while looking at the owner in quiet anticipation. He should be given the treat at that particular moment of calm. However, a treat should not be used to reinforce an excited animal, but rather maintain the submissive calm state.

In between meals is the ideal time to give the dog a treat. Selecting a treat that the animal is certain to enjoy is of great importance. A good technique involves saving the best and most delectable treats for last so as to reignite the dog in case loses training interest. In case the treat is being applied as training tools, if given after the animal has had a whole meal, they might not be effective. The trainer should make sure they are given in between meals as opposed to before or after meals.

A notable technique is whereby the teat is held by one hand between two fingers and a thumb. The canine is allowed to smell it to know it is available, while following the rule of nose first followed by eyes and ears. By engaging the dogs nose, the trainer appeals to the most important part which is the brain.

The next step is lifting the treat to the nose at a height above the head, just when the dog is starts getting interest and sniffing. This is done mainly to make it lift its head up, which is a vital part of the training.

When choosing made in USA dog treats, the owner should ensure that they are something appropriate to give a dog. If it is made of ingredients that the owner cannot pronounce or recognize, it is probably not the best.

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