Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Puppies For Sale In Phoenix AZ

By Sherry Gross

A new pet is just what your household needs right now to bring some life and energy to the home. There are puppies for sale in Phoenix AZ and you are ready to check them out. Your goal is to find the perfect pet who will rapidly become a family member. A good temperament and high quality animal would fit that bill.

When you answer the ad and arrive at the location or kennel, ask about the parents. Their physical appearance, health and personalities will be important in making your final selection. If they are purebred dogs, examine their features closely. Ask to review their papers to ensure you will get what you are paying for.

Inquire about previous litters. You may be able to get the names of individuals who had purchased other offspring of the same parents. They would be able to tell you of any issues or problems with the older siblings they had selected and raised.

Play with the dog that you have selected. Watch for energy, vitality and personality. Choose the one that will fit best in your home. If it is going to be an outside dog, a highly active pet may be your best bet. If it is required to stay inside, choose a quieter, more complacent animal. If looking for a guard dog for your home, the biggest one will be the most effective.

While interacting with your prospective pet, also examine it for fleas, ringworm, or deformities. Check the sex to make sure you go home with exactly the right gender you are looking for. Decide ahead of time if you are going to spay or neuter your final selection.

If there are children along for this important selection, be sure to include them in the activities with the small animal. Observe how both the children and pet react to each other and how well they play together. Allow the youngsters to help make the final choice as they will feel more involved and inclined to assist daily care and feeding. If the animal growls, seems unduly apprehensive, or is too aggressive, you may want to make another selection.

Shots, worming, dewclaw removal, check-ups and other veterinarian procedures should be revealed to you in paperwork from the clinic. Be on the alert for any gaps in their care or preventative measures and question anything that seems out of the ordinary. This may save you major sums of money in the future. If the dog owners don't seem to want to share information or seem evasive when pertinent questions are asked, it might be a good idea to try elsewhere for your new pet.

Purchasing a new pet for your family and household should be handled with caution. Remember, this animal could be with your family for a long time as dogs can live to a very old age. You don't want to end up with one that has a bad disposition, dislikes children or has series of health problems. Doing your research, keeping your eyes open and utilizing these suggestions will have you taking the dog of your dreams home with you.

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