Friday, June 3, 2016

Assisi: 4 Ways To House Train Your Kitten

By Robin Setser

When you bring a kitten into the home, it's easy to imagine that there will be ample responsibility on your end. One of the biggest steps for pet owners to take, as I'm sure the likes of Assisi can attest, would be house training. How exactly can this done, without much stress or difficulty to be seen? While it will require work on your end, here are 4 house training methods to help make things at least somewhat easier.

If you'd like to know how to effectively house train your kitten, make sure that his or her litter box is placed in the right spot. You want to ensure that the location allows enough privacy and independence, which makes sense when you think about how self-sufficient most cats are. Nonetheless, you want to make sure that it's close enough to where you can keep an eye on it. This is just one of many tips that companies such as Assisi Animal Health can offer.

You should also maintain your kitten's litter, too. It's important for it to be fresh, which means that you should either change it every day or every other day. Either method will work fine, but you want to make sure that you do not go too long without keeping it maintained. If you fail to do so, it'll be more difficult to house train your kitten. Suffice it to say, the type of litter that is used will be nothing short of vital to this process.

Did you know that your kitten's environment can be influential in how easy he or she will be to train? Certain stressors can result in your pet finding it difficult to pick up new behavior, which make him or her more unpredictable. For this reason, make sure that their living environment is an encouraging one, full of love and support. By keeping this in mind, house training can be done with a greater level of effectiveness intact.

Lastly, understand that positive reinforcement and house training can work together. Let's say that your kitten shows improvement; this is where the aforementioned reinforcement can come into play. Maybe you can share a nice treat with your pet to let them know how good of a job they did. You might also want to increase your pet's amount of playtime, too. Whatever the case may be, this will make a difference when it comes to training.

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