Thursday, September 8, 2011

Labrador Retriever Training: Tactics For Successful Obedience Training

By Kate Truman

Have you been informed of where to start so that you can effectively carry out labrador retriever training for obedience? Perhaps you are still in need of the best dog training resources that could help you train your labrador for obedience lessons. As you can see, obedience training is one vital and favorable undertaking. It will help you raise a rather reliable and well-behaved dog. Hence, it's wise that you be furnished with loads of trustworthy labrador training tips and solutions. And here are the best ways to succeed in obedience training:

Start off with proper socialization.

In fact, socialization must be accomplished before doing anything else. It could serve as your cornerstone to helping your dog become a remarkable pet and a nice companion. Thus, start early with your socialization routines. Do things right so favorable results can be enjoyed. On top of that, establish some fair house rules or boundaries and limitations; this way, behavior problems can be easily warded off. Always keep watch of your labrador's behaviors and responses, especially when mingling with other people and pets.

Make your training sessions brief, fun and rewarding.

Seeing how hyperactive labrador retrievers can get, it's strongly recommended that you discover ways to make use of its exuberance and desire to be trained. You have to think of enjoyable labrador retriever training activities ın order that boredom can be averted. Be as innovative and ingenious as you can. Even so, make it a point that you don't do lengthy training sessions.

Be clear and consistent.

Indeed, it's important that you make it clear what you want from your dog or just what you want him to carry out. Of course, this can be achieved effectively by being consistent and disciplined in your dog training routines. Always bear in mind that constant practice is the key; repetition of commands and actions is seriously needed. Because while it's true that labrador retrievers are naturally intelligent and receptive to training, they also need persistent reminders and proper guidance. Also, make sure that your commands are straightforward and concise.

Be a responsible and heedful leader of the pack.

Your labrador is not likely to listen to you if he doesn't consider you as his pack leader, or a credible alpha dog. You have to do your best to earn your dog's trust and respect. You can do this by being firm with your commands, and through perseverance as well as patience. Leadership must be established in the right manner. You always have to take the lead.

Use the right kinds of tools and procedures.

Take note that dog training need not be tough, cumbersome and intricate. There are lots of approaches to teach different obedience commands without having to punish or be violent on your dog. Rather, use the aid of positive reinforcements. Praise and rewards like food treats or goodies serve well when it comes to motivating any breed of dog. Through this, your labrador will be more enticed to undergo training and will always anticipate spending some quality time with you. And so, why be satisfied with inhumane tactics and tricks?

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1 comment:

  1. Labrador Retrievers can be trained easily. We must start at a young age though. Once we have established being dominant over them, they are good followers.
