Monday, October 1, 2012

Great Tricks To Train Your Dog Easily

By Kirk McGee

FIDO a little too feisty? Are you furry best friend really more of a nightmare? It is important to implement dog training as early as possible for dogs. When you establish strict, consistent rewards and punishments for your pup early on, good behavior will follow. Here are a few training tips to get your dog on the right path.

If you have tried everything to keep your dog from digging up your garden with no success, it may be time to build a fence. This is especially good for large garden plots. A fence doesn't have to be ornate or expensive to be effective. Just a simple chicken wire fence should keep your dog from getting in.

When you are training your dog, never use a command he knows as a punishment. For example, if your dog needs a time out, do not put him in his crate. It may create a negative association for him. Another example is when you call your dog to you to be punished. This hurts his chances of completing successful recalls in the future.

Make sure your dog has a special place in your home; one he can call his own. His special area should have his dog bed or pillow, his own blanket, and all of his toys. This will be your dog's retreat. You should encourage your dog to use this area during play times, but especially when there is increased activity at your home. One caution to remember though, is to never use it as a place for punishment.

In order to train a dog to be really well-mannered, you should aim to use the words "good" and "no" as often as you can, so that your dog understands what these words mean. By making these words familiar vocabulary for your dog, you will have a higher success rate of training your dog effectively. There is no need to shout angrily at your dog, just use a firm tone when saying "no". Conversely, use a warm enthusiastic tone when you say "good".

Be patient when training your dog. You may need to repeat positive reinforcement numerous times to consistently get the behavior you want. You may also need to consistently refocus your dog from negative behaviors. Realizing it takes time to train a dog can make the experience much more pleasurable for both you and your pet.

When it is time to leash train your new dog or puppy, you must let him know that you are boss. Punishment does nothing but make him afraid of you and it doesn't actually correct the behavior. One thing that you should do, is make a short leash so that he has to stay right by your side. Do not let him lead you. You are the leader, not him.

To help train your dog, you must be consistent in your use of commands. Your dog will remember the way a command sounds, not the context of the command. For example, if you wish to use the command "come" to summon the dog, only use that command. Do not use a command "here", or "get over here" and expect the same result.

The advice in this article is meant to help you improve your dog's training. A dog's behavior is reflective of its owner's ability (and willingness) to control it. Although it may be hard to be strict on your furry little friend, you both will benefit from it at the end.

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