Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chicago Dog Walkers And The Benefits Of Having One

By Marsha Klein

Caring for any pet is a big responsibility but caring for a dog is even more of a responsibility. If there is a stay at home mom who is able to take care of the dog then you do not need a Chicago dog walkers. However, in these days and age most people work full time jobs. This leaves your little bundle of fur home alone. This can lead to accidents on the floor because the puppy can not hold his bladder or bowel movements.

A puppy can be a big responsibility. You have to be up to the challenge. Dog owners that work forty or more hours a week, travel for work, and take vacations, can be in for a really nasty surprise when they get home. You have to find somewhere to put the dog when you not home or it will destroy your home. If you are only leaving for a small amount of time then put your new fur-baby in a kennel so he does not make a mess or tear things up. This will keep the puppy from having little accidents on your floor. It is important to look at hiring a pet sitter or a dog walker.

Your new addition to the family can feel like you abandoned it when you leave it for extended periods of time. Many people love their animals just like if they were their kids. People would not just leave kids with just anyone so why would you leave your pets with just anyone.

It is important that you use a family care pet specialist or a professional dog walker. Over the years these businesses have grown to accommodate the growing amount of family pets. If your not sure what a pet care sitter or babysitter for your beloved pooch is then lets explain it a little more.

A dog walkers job is to come to your house a couple times a day to give your pet water and food and take it for a walk to relieve it's self. A pet care specialist is pretty much a baby sitter for your dog. They will stay with your dog as long as you need them to and they will take care of your fur-baby. Peoples dogs are their babies and they do not leave them with just anyone. It has to be someone you trust.

They will take your dog for walks, give them special treats for being a good dog, clip their nails, brush their hair, and even give them a bath if you request it. We treat out dogs just like if they were our children. We expect who ever is watching them to do the same. You wouldn't leave your child with a stranger so why would you leave your animals with someone you don't know.

If you decide to use a pet service to have them take care of your fur-babies, it is ok to ask to meet that person. You want to make sure that your pups are gonna be taken care of. It is probably a good idea to make out a list of emergency phone numbers for you and your husband. It is also important for the sitter to get to know the dog so that it is not scared when it's mom and dad leave.

A good Chicago dog walkers will need to agree to take your dog on walks, play fetch or any other game your dog enjoys. This will help you dog get exercise plus form a bond with its care giver. Leave a list of times that the dog should do certain things like eat, play, and settle down for bed.

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