Monday, January 28, 2013

Animal Urine And Pet Clean Up Products

By Philip Smith

Pet clean up products are about the research of and study of urine. Apart from this, when a domestic animal such as a cat or dog does his or her thing against the sides of furniture or on the tiles in your kitchen, pheromones are released. These pheromones attract animals to return to the same spot where they urinated before.

Domestic animals like their wild ancestors will mark their territory. It is a way in which animals display their ownership and position of seniority within a family household. In all sense, an owner of the animal can be likened to an alpha male just as an animal in the wild displays obedience to the leader of a wolf pack for example.

The same is true of your domestic dog or cat. He or she will urinate on furniture as a sign of ownership. Us humans do pretty much the same thing but instead will buy deeds of sale in order to display our ownership of a piece of land or stand.

This can be seen on the savannas of the African plains. Lion prides mark their territory covering great distances. They will travel great distances in order to urinate as well as inspect their grounds for any trespassers.

These remedies do work but are short lived. Chemical technology has taken cleaning pet urine to a new level. Studies are continuously being carried out and researched as to which chemicals work best not only to remove the stench that urine and faeces leave behind but also chemicals that can deter your friendly pooch from doing his business inside at all.

Microbiologists work with these chemicals to produce products such as clean up products. By manipulating the pheromones inherent in the urine, they are able to deter an animal from messing in the home. Domestic animals soon loose interest in displaying their ownership of their territory, namely your home.

It is with methods such as these and together with enhanced technologies that scientists are still researching and developing the perfect pet clean up products. It is a worthwhile investigation to research more specific details as to the products you choose to use. Competition in this field of study is rife because of the lucrativeness of discovering and manufacturing the ideal home product.

Pet clean up products are a science of their own. It is advisable to use them. Most lay people are not up to date with latest technologies and there may lay the answers you have been looking for.

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