Saturday, January 5, 2013

Having A Tough Time Training Your Dog

By Kizzie Southworth

A lot of people adopt dogs without thinking the decision through. Dogs require a commitment by their owners. All dogs need training to know what is acceptable behavior and what isn't. Utilize the tips provided in the below article so that you can train a well-behaved dog, leading to a happier relationship between you and your dog.

Make sure to keep your dog's check ups, up to date. Health is important to ensure a functional dog for training. Interestingly, many dogs often hide negative feelings and habits. It is often the case that behavioral symptoms are the only indication of a health problem. Aggression can be an indicator of pain, and a lapse in house training can be a telltale sign of urinary issues.

Avoid saying 'no' during puppy training. When canine training, you'll have to find a way to give positive reinforcement. The word 'no' itself is not enough to make your dog understand they need to stop what they are doing. Every dog and situation is unique and you should adapt your strategies accordingly.

Do not utilize food as the only way to control your dog while you are training him. Food is a necessity that dogs must have in order to survive, so they need other sources of rewards. Use other rewards such as petting and praise to help your dog associate his behavior with good benefits.

When you are training your dog, bad behavior needs to be discouraged. Say "No' to your dog in a strong voice. Never scream and never use an object or your hand to strike your dog. Discourage bad behavior as soon as it happens. Dogs have short attention spans. If you don't immediately correct your dog, they won't understand what they did wrong.

"Shake-can" training can be very effective. Put a few coins in an empty soda can and seal it. If your dog performs an unwanted behavior, shake the can. This will give your dog a start and stop the bad behavior. Eventually, your dog will get the idea that the behavior is not allowed. Just shake your can a single time, because doing so more often will result in desensitization.

Do not expect miracles if poor behavior is ingrained. If your dog has been allowed to exhibit bad behaviors for a long time, it will be hard to correct those behaviors. If such behaviors were handled during the puppy period, it may be far simpler to make the necessary adjustments.

When crate training a new puppy or dog, help the dog realize that the crate is its home. To help your puppy feel at home, place your puppy's food dish inside the crate. This will help them associate good food to the crate.

Dogs are like people when it comes to the fact that they all learn in very different ways. For example, a laid back and loving dog will likely thrive on positive reinforcement, whereas a more aggressive dog may need negative reinforcement in order to respect your alpha position. When training isn't going as planned, try a new method.

Keep a spray bottle handy to deter your dog when it tries to bite people or things. This will teach your dog that there are certain behaviors that are unacceptable. As your dog learns the behavior is unwanted, he will begin to avoid doing the bad behavior.

Each and every interaction that takes place between you and your pet will go a long way in shaping its attitude and actions. This is crucial to know because you may undo certain behaviors by engaging in horseplay or by teasing your pet. It is important to shape the dog's progress by consistently striving for good behavior. Create a specific command to stop your dog when it barks. After your dog starts barking, show your pet the reward and repeat the command until they cease. Then, you are able to reward the dog. In time, your dog will learn to be quiet if he wants a treat.

Always get your dog's attention the same way. Begin commands by using his name. Get his attention with his name and then follow that with what you want him to do. Dogs usually respond to names immediately and they know you need them to be attentive.

Your dog will let you know what it doesn't want, so learn to read its signals. Do not force your dog if he is showing signs of being uncomfortable when he meets new animals or people. There is a good reason he isn't feeling comfortable and you should honor that. If you push your dog, it may cause biting or other undesirable behaviors to occur.

Give your dog a clear verbal cue that means "yes" to aid in training. It's faster to tell your dog "yes" than it is to find and give it a treat. Remain realistic about changing behaviors that have happened for years. Whether you or a previous owner allowed the animal to repeatedly engage in activities like chewing, biting or begging, know that you now have your work cut out for you to change it. It is much easier to address issues when dogs are still young.

Choose the right dog crate size if you wish to utilize the crate effectively to train him. As your dog gets older, he will probably grow larger. Be sure to select a crate that allows your dog to have ample room as it grows. The crate should be big enough for the dog to turn and lie down comfortably without feeling cramped. Old habits die hard, even in dogs. If a dog's owner allowed it to jump on people or sleep on furniture, it will take a long time to teach it to change this behavior. Behaviors that are addressed at a young age are easier to change than others. You will need to adjust your training methods to suit your dog. If your dog doesn't respond well to one form of training, perhaps another form will work better. If your dog responds well to treats, you can use that reward frequently. Now that you are armed with some great advice, you are all set to begin the task of training your dog. The dog usually will like pleasing its owner as equally as its owner will enjoy watching the dog respond to the training he is giving.

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