Monday, January 27, 2014

Choosing Your Puppy Through A Purebred Cavachon Dog Breeder

By Nelda Powers

A purebred Cavachon dog breeder may have just the puppy you are looking for. Be aware though that a Cavachon is technically not a purebred - it is considered to be a hybrid dog. It is a mix between a King Cavalier spaniel and a Bichon Frise, a combination that makes for the best of two worlds. Your goal is to make sure the animal you choose consists only of these two breeds.

These pets make wonderful family dogs. They love children, are very friendly and require little exercise. They are perfect if allergies are common in your household because they shed very little and are almost allergen free. Health problems are minimal among this particular breed.

They also come in both dual colors and tri-colors. These shades include black and white, peach and white, sable and white, as well as a combination of three of these colors. They usually weigh under 20 pounds.

Take the time to look into the type of pet you really want. Purchasing a dog for future breeding demands different criteria than buying a family pet. Make a decision if you will be spaying or neutering your acquisition after you decide on a male or female.

Choose a dog breeder that is well known and reputable. If you don't have anyone to ask, search the internet and ask at your local veterinarian who may be able to provide sources. Find other Cavachon owners who are willing to share their search experiences with you.

When you arrive at the chosen breeder location, immediately ask to tour the facilities. Make sure that it is clean and sanitized and has safety gates and other safety criteria in place. Ask about daily exercise and feedings as well as the type of food provided. If the business owners don't have answers to your simple requests, it may be a red flag and you may wish to conduct your search elsewhere.

Observe a litter of puppies and choose the one you are most drawn to. Some individuals will gravitate toward the one with the most personality and energy while others will be enchanted by the smaller, shyer siblings. Most individuals will know exactly which dog they want after just a few minutes of watching them at play.

After you've chosen your special little bundle, examine him or her thoroughly. Check for fleas, ticks, wounds or bites, as well as the shine of their fur and the health of their teeth and gums. Ask for a copy of the history on the dog's parents - if they are on the property, request to see them also.

A professional purebred Cavachon dog breeder will do everything he can to assist you in your selection process. He can help you decide on the very best pet for your household and give tips and advice on how to care for your new family member. These lovable animals will provide you and your household with hours of love and affection and will become part of the family very quickly.

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