Monday, January 20, 2014

When An Owner Needs An Equine Veterinarian Madison WI Has Practitioners In The Area

By Judy Sullivan

A responsible owner will protect the health of a horse by using an Equine veterinarian Madison WI is a location where clinics are located. Horses of all sizes and breeds are cared for at this location. Dental care is done routinely and emergency care is available.

Modern equine care can be as varied and complex as medical treatment for humans. Ultrasound testing, podiatric examinations and evaluations are done. Surgical procedures are performed and saddle fitting will assure a comfortable fit for both horse and rider.

A potential buyer can request an exam be given prior to buying a horse. This will make sure he is buying a sound animal. The age is indicated by the length of the teeth. It is reasonably accurate when evaluated by an expert. An inexperienced rider will not be able to judge the age without help.

Different types of hay are grown and some are more suitable for horses than others. Some varieties have a higher calorie count than others. The needs of a horse should be taken into consideration when selecting the feed. An active horse will need more calories.

Some owners ride their horses only for pleasure. Some participate in either English or Western shows. A rodeo has barrel racing competition and it is the only rodeo event that women ride in. A horse trained and used for barrel racing will require a high calorie diet.

A privately owned horse will need fewer calories if ridden mainly on the trails for pleasure. If training for jumping, a high calorie content will be needed. There is special feed prepared specifically for foals and young horses.

If a horse is kept outside over the winter, he will need more food to maintain the temperature of the body. More hay in the diet is preferable to more grain. The older horse is often fed corn oil to increase calories to a healthy level. The senior equine may have trouble chewing.

If the cold days are spent in a warm barn, air should be well-circulated. Horses are prone to a respiratory condition commonly referred to as heaves. This animal will be better off outside with a three-walled shed that he can enter at will when the weather is severe. He can also wear a blanket.

If a blanket is worn all winter, be sure to check underneath it intermittently for any hidden sores or bumps. The winter coat will not grow in as thick on the horse that wears a blanket. In that case, keep the blanket on continually to keep him warm.

Horse and owner will have more free time in winter when riding is limited. It is a good opportunity to bond. The horse can be examined for bumps and sores. Extra grooming maintains a sleek coat.

A veterinarian will advise an owner on what vaccinations and tests are advisable. Dental care is routine. Some clinics keep a farrier on staff or on call for shoeing and other hoof care services.

When selecting an equine veterinarian Madison WI may be the location of his or her clinic. It is possible to call for a home visit in case of an emergency. Alternatively, the animal can be brought in on weekends, in the evening or on holidays if necessary. Emergency care is always available if something unfortunate happens.

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