Saturday, January 25, 2014

Facts About Anaerobic Lagoons

By Lianne Derocco

Hog or swine farms need to have waste lagoons or waste pits and these are an important part in swine waste management, which is a big part of hog farming operations. The waste lagoons need to have the proper balance because failure to do this can result to environmental problems, which can be disastrous. There is some basic information regarding swine waste lagoons.

These waste lagoons are also called manure lagoons, and sometimes, anaerobic lagoons, and these are waste basins created for the purpose of containing agricultural waste. These lagoons also are where the waste that is produced is treated and the treatment of this waste must be handled properly in order to avoid issues that can pollute the groundwater and surrounding environment. This waste storage option for the hog farm is a low-cost option, which is a reason that this is the storage containment system was developed.

A sludge layer and a liquid layer are the two layers in this waste containment lagoons. The liquid layer in this waste lagoon contains the greasy and foamy liquid and the sludge layer contains the solid wastes produced by the hogs. A product that is both effective and environment friendly is the one needed to treat the waste lagoon, especially if too much sludge already has built up. Adding chemical-based products for use as treatment will not lessen toxicity in a waste lagoon, which already has plenty of toxins from the waste present.

Reducing the sludge development in the lagoons can be done with products using naturally occurring bacteria microorganisms. The bacteria in the product eat away the sludge material and ultimately liquefy the waste matter. The bacteria in this product also increase the waste's nutritional value, thus can be turned to fertilizers.

A product of this kind is named Lagoon Agra Sphere. This safe and natural product contains helpful bacteria enclosed in a small biodegradable sphere-shaped container. These biodegradable spheres are just thrown to the lagoons and the bacteria will then eat away at the sludge materials. This product will not only be good for the sludge but also prevents foaming and crust formation and has been shown to reduce odors and even flies.

For swine waste lagoons with a thick top crust, you need to first liquefy this crust. Crusting is a serious problem which increases odors and also flies. There is a product named Lagoon Activator, and this product also has bacteria that will eat away at the solid crust in the swine waste containment basin. It is best to use the product at temperatures above 45 degrees before applying this Lagoon Activator product. The solid crust has to be damp for three days prior to the application of this product. It is wise to consider treating with the Activator more than once, especially during very warm weather.

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