Sunday, August 11, 2013

Guide To Choosing The Best Canary Food To Keep Your Bird Healthy

By Andrea Davidson

Owners of canaries are often unaware of how important it is that these creatures eat a balanced diet. It is essential to their well-being that they receive the right amount of nutrients to prevent illness and death. Knowing how to choose the best canary food will ensure that owners can enjoy the company of a happy, healthy, feathered friend for many years.

In the wild, canaries mainly forage for various types of seeds which vary in availability throughout the year, but they are also known to eat an assortment of plants, berries, fruits, and insects. They normally end up with a balanced diet, and this must be duplicated in the care of domestic canaries.

Most packaged mixes of seeds for canaries contain a blend of 2 - 5 different types, of which the birds may selectively pick out their favorite seeds and leave the rest. When this happens, malnutrition and illness can result. This is why it is essential to offer the bird a variety of other suitable foods, and not rely on seeds as the main staple.

An effective way to provide a nutritionally complete diet to a canary is to feed it specially formulated pellets. These are made from a combination of crushed seeds and are a great single source of many essential nutrients. It is recommended that pellets make up about 75-80% of the bird's diet. Some of these are specially blended for a certain stage in life or condition. Feeding pellets from early on is best as it may be hard to get an older bird to switch over from seeds.

Canary food should be placed in a shallow dish, one for each bird in the cage. They should not be given more than they will eat in 24 hours. Usually about1-2 teaspoons of seed will be enough. There must always be fresh water available for the bird to drink. Canaries need to drink frequently because of their fast metabolism and are prone to dehydration.

About 1/4 of the diet should consist of fruits and vegetables. Popular choices include lettuce, spinach, watercress, apples, grapes, and kernels of corn. Avocado is toxic to canaries and should never be given. These provide an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. All produce must first be washed thoroughly and then cut into manageable pieces the bird can peck at.

Canaries also love to get special snacks. It's generally considered safe to feed them any nutritious food humans eat, such as hard-boiled eggs, cheeses, and meats. During breeding time, it's recommended to feed them a mixture of eggs and biscuits. Treats made especially for birds such as honey sticks and millet sprays are always welcome as well.

Dietary and vitamin supplements are not always needed when a nutritionally complete canary food is offered, especially pellets. In some cases it is indicated, such as during egg laying, which requires additional calcium. These are usually a powder which is simply mixed with the bird's food or water. Some owners choose to also provide their canaries with grit, which helps digest food, but many birds manage fine without it. If given, it should be placed in its own dish for the bird to take if it wishes.

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