Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Raising Your Own Hogs & Pigs

By Lianne Derocco

These days, concerns about the environment and the purity of our foods sources has motivated a lot of people to go green and attempt to live off the land as much as possible. This also means everything from using alternative, natural sources of energy such as wind and solar power and it also means growing your own food and raising your own livestock. One type of livestock that is becoming more popular to raise, both to sell or eat, are hogs or pigs.

While pork is readily available in the supermarket, if you truly want to eat on the most natural and humanely-raised meats, doing it yourself can be the best way to ensure that. For example, meat extenders are given to some pork and meat from cows, chickens, or pigs to give them extra thickness and density. Their respective flavor and aroma is not something one can appreciate naturally because of this. Boosters and other types of feeds that are man-made or manufactured are given to several livestock to help them grow faster than usual. A great way to enjoy eating all natural and organic food if you love it is to raise your own pig. A happy pig produces an excellent quality of meat which is raised in a healthy and controlled environment.

Of course, it is important that you should first learn how to maintain and care for your livestock before proceeding. Slaughtering and finishing them off in a safe and humane manner is also very important and this is something you really need to study up on or perhaps entrust to someone with a great deal of experience.

Pigs like any other livestock, need proper nurture and care. There are many considerations one should remember. Pigs enjoy having some space to roam and forage, and in addition to a comfortable, secure pig pen, they also need a place where they can rest and cool off during the day, so be sure to provide them with a shady area as they can overheat easily.

Large animal veterinarians is something one should find to ensure your pigs safety. One that is easily accessible and can be contacted is greatly recommended. It is great to have a nearby veterinarian with you because you will never know when emergencies would show up. Your hogs waste is something you should take care of to avoid affecting health of your hogs and also your family especially if you have kids with you.

You need to properly take care of your hogs waste because every day they produce high quantity of it. An example of a good agricultural waste management product is Agra Sphere. Waste and sludge are treated and maintained by this product making them suitable as fertilizers. This product uses naturally occurring bacteria to eat away at this sludge and also the crusting that often forms on top of hog waste. This product also will reduce odors and flies and is easy to use and safe for use near all livestock and wildlife.

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